Art Contest 2022

Category 1: The Campaign for North Zebrica/Grand Prize Winner - by Infinity Stool
In Category 1- The Campaign for North Zebrica
"It is unlikely that the world will ever see such terrible bombings again. By the initiative of Autumn Breeze and the rest of the supreme commanders of the Legion during the next planning, they decided to take Ain Trotgourait by the end of the month. This would be a turning point in the Chiroptera military campaign and will soon lead to victory in the North-Zebrican conflict. To achieve the goal, efforts of the LMRD were aimed at creating chemical weapons, counting on its greater efficiency. Therefore, the first phosphorus shells and bombs fell on the city, still surrounded by slums. Sparkling white clouds of death quickly filled the streets, instilling fear and despair in the hearts of the defenders, and ramshackle buildings were quickly caught on fire."

2022 saw the long-awaited update adding the continent of Zebrica, focusing on the countries on the northern coast. The yearly contest reflected that, focusing on the north and interjections from the old world.

Art Contest 2021

Grand Prize Winner - by Barrelroll#7179
In Category 1- The Front
"For encouragement"

The 2021 art contest was the first art contest for EaW. Art could be submitted between June 20th and July 25th, and would be judged primarily by overall quality, its connection to the theme of the category it had been submitted under, and to Equestria at War as a whole. Participants were given the option to include explanations along with their work, which have been included in the gallery. The three themes were chosen based on different aspects of war- the war at the front, at population centers and individual homes and towns, where the dangers of battle were far but still changed life for many, and the efforts of the propaganda machine to inspire.